BASE fuller
0,00 €
(BASE = 500mm deep, with casters)
Wide accessory container on casters, with 5 thread pullouts and 6 drawers. Design your sewing and hobby room with additional furniture for your accessories.
Designed, developed and produced “Made in Germany”
Wood pattern 5 colors
Different front colors: 5 colors and 3 additional (concrete look, diamond gray, sienna red)
BASE fuller, the wide accessory container, expandable to the left and right with additional pieces of furniture, provides enough storage space to start your hobby. This container is equipped as follows. On the left there are 5 thread pullouts with the following assembly heights (from top to bottom) 146mm, 79mm, 111mm, 111mm, 111mm, whereby these can be moved at any time in the 16mm set of holes. There are around 1300 holes in total, for which 650 wooden pegs are provided. There are 6 removable drawers on the right side. Three of these six drawers have removable subdivisions that allow up to 12 small compartments. This is how you can create your own suitable division for your accessories. The drawers have an internal width of 275mm and an internal depth of 430mm. The height of the top drawer is 89mm, of all other drawers 75mm. All furniture from the BASE, EXTEND, and STACK model series can be fitted together by using the pre-drilled metal connecting screws with sleeves. Color matched cover caps are included unless otherwise requested.
Width 750mm,
Depth 505mm,
Height 750mm
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